We’ve partnered with Diakon Wilderness Greenhouse for an online native plant sale—now through October 31st!
Embellish your backyard with beautiful native plants, nourish the insects and wildlife that depend on them, and support your local land trust & native plant nursery in the process!
A portion of each sale will support the land protection projects of CPC, including the conservation easement we are recording soon for Diakon Wilderness Center! CPC will only get credit if you use the coupon code: $5CPC. Purchased plants are to be picked up at the Wilderness Greenhouse on Fridays and Saturdays between 10am and noon.

Attract swarms of butterflies, like this common buckeye, with purple asters. These late-blooming native plants offer critical sources of nectar and pollen for pollinators before the first hard frost.

Incorporate some turtlehead, whose flowers produce nectar that contains natural compounds which helps relieve native bees of their intestinal parasites. Plant some prescriptions in your yard!

Cultivate native goldenrods and enjoy their vibrant fall flowers while native caterpillars, like this Brown-Hooded Owlet, enjoy snacking on their foliage.

Trees are also important hosts for native insects, like the stingless wasp that creates the magnificent pine cone oak galls on the twigs of swamp white oak.
Thanks for purchasing native plants to enrich local habitats and for supporting the good work of local non-profits!