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An accredited land trust.

The enhanced parking area and new barn trail are now open at our Letort Spring Garden Preserve! 1110 S. Spring Garden Road, Carlisle, PA 17013

QCDs and IRA Distributions

Qualified Charitable Contributions or QCDs, also known as IRA Charitable Rollover Gifts, are a great way to meet your IRA's Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) while supporting land conservation through Central Pennsylvania Conservancy.

Qualified Charitable Contributions or QCDs, also known as IRA Charitable Rollover Gifts, are a great way to meet your IRA’s Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) while supporting land conservation through Central Pennsylvania Conservancy.

QCD Eligibility:

Per the IRS, “Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) are minimum amounts that IRA and retirement plan account owners generally must withdraw annually starting with the year they reach age 73. Retirement plan account owners can delay taking their RMDs until the year in which they retire, unless they’re a 5% owner of the business sponsoring the plan. Owners of traditional IRA, and SEP and SIMPLE IRA accounts must begin taking RMDs once the account holder is age 73, even if they’re retired.”

How to make a QCD gift:

Designate Central Pennsylvania Conservancy as your beneficiary:

Legal name: Central Pennsylvania Conservancy

Tax ID# or EIN: 23-2191037

Address: 401 E. Louther Street, Suite 308, Carlisle, PA 17013

Contact: Jason Beale, Executive Director

Phone: 717-241-4360

Email: giving@centralpaconservancy.org


Disclaimer: Central Pennsylvania Conservancy cannot provide tax or legal advice. Prospective donors should seek professional financial guidance.