Central PA Conservancy Logo
An accredited land trust.

The enhanced parking area and new barn trail are now open at our Letort Spring Garden Preserve! 1110 S. Spring Garden Road, Carlisle, PA 17013

Central Pennsylvania Conservancy is a member-supported, accredited land trust protecting south central Pennsylvania since 1982. We hope that you'll join us in our mission "to acquire, preserve, and protect local land and natural resources in south central Pennsylvania."

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Central Pennsylvania Conservancy owns three public nature preserves and has added over 2,100 acres to Pennsylvania’s parks, forests, and game lands. We also partner with private landowners to protect their properties through conservation easements. The Conservancy engages the public through volunteering.

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Infrastructure enhancement projects now complete at the Letort Spring Garden Preserve!

  Recent construction at the Letort Spring Garden Preserve (1110 S. Spring Garden Rd., Carlisle, PA 17013) is now complete! Enjoy the new parking area, as well as an ADA […]


We are a nationally accredited land trust.

Central Pennsylvania Conservancy’s accreditation was renewed in March 2024, following our initial award, in August 2018, from the Land Trust Accreditation Commission (LTAC). Accreditation recognizes land trusts for meeting national standards for protecting important natural places and working lands forever, including sound financial management, ethical organizational conduct, responsible governance, and lasting stewardship.

“We want our partner landowners, supporting donors, peer organizations, and the general public to know that lands that we protect and steward, will be so according to national best practices in the land conservation field. Our board has made a long-term commitment to maintaining CPC’s accreditation status.”
Kenneth R. Waidelich, CPC President, 2015-2020

CPC Maintains Memberships in the Following Associations: