Central PA Conservancy Logo
An accredited land trust.

TEMPORARY CLOSING – September 18th-November 15th at Letort Spring Garden Preserve parking lot and Melester Barn for ADA trail construction.

Protection Options and Process

Conserving south central Pennsylvania

Our conservation priorities include:

Our current service area includes:

Central Pennsylvania Conservancy works with landowners, partner organizations, and the community to protect land through:

Central Pennsylvania Conservancy accepts donations of a conservation easement that benefit of human and ecological communities.

Most of the Conservancy’s acquisitions are transferred to state agencies to increase the size of protected areas and/or to increase connectivity between them.


When the Conservancy protects a property with a conservation easement, we take on the perpetual obligation to monitor the property and defend the conservation easement, if needed. Each property is monitored annually to ensure that the compliance with the conservation easement. To ensure the sustainability of all conservation easements, landowners are required to provide a Stewardship Fee to the Conservancy to defray the costs of monitoring all of our properties.

Interested in preserving your land?

If you are interested in discussing conservation options for your property, please email us at info@centralpaconservancy.org